The New Automated Era

In an article recently completed for Ad Age, Mollie Spillman argues that history is in the course of repeating itself, but not in the negative connotations with which that term is typically applied. Throughout history, leaps have been made forward with automated techniques that allow employees and employers to work smarter, not harder.

Several key inventions have allowed this to be true and, with their invention, have changed the way production is completed in certain industries forever. With the assembly line, car manufacturers could now produce a vehicle in twenty percent of the time it had taken previously. With the creation of the computer came data, which allows for the furthering of productivity and production. Even calculators have become invaluable to society, allowing humans to complete calculations in mere minutes that could’ve taken hours or days without the ease of use in the device.


Now, due to automated processing, technology can frequently perform certain tasks quicker and easier than humans can. This can sometimes result in a paranoid fear of being replaced. But, on the contrary, it truly only drives innovation, creating individuals who are set apart by their unique ability to harness the new privileges offered by technology. In essence, humans adapt in kind, driven to be the best at employing specific types of technologies.

For Spillman, 2013 was the start of a new automated era. It was the first year to see a spike in the contemplation, creation and commerce of automated advertising. Advertising, much like humans, adapts to the growing technology base. As more devices are introduced, more means of advertising will not only invented, but also streamlined for ease of creation and use by consumers. In Spillman’s opinion, this places us right on the cusp of a greater convergence and engagement with our devices, which means consumers and creators alike could be just on the verge of the holy grail of advertising.

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